Discover the ancient art of Thai massage that health in soothing your body and mind…
Ancient Massage or Thai Massage is an extraordinary method of aligning the energies of the body, and originates from the time of the Buddha. Nuad Phaen Boran as is it called in Thailand, correctly translates only as Ancient Massage or Traditional Massage. More widely known today as Thai Massage, it is also often called Traditional Thai Massage, Ancient Thai Massage and occasionally Yoga Massage or Thai Yoga Massage.
Beginnings in India
In India, medicine was part of an ascetically based religious movement, a portion of which became know as Buddhism. Medicine evolved with the Sangha and Buddhism monastery, became codified as part of the Buddhist scriptures, gave rise to the monk-healers and provided the basis for subsequent development of Buddhist monastic universities.
The traditional system of ayurvedic medicine owes much of its early systematization, preservation, and subsequent propagation to the ascetic Buddhists and their monastic institution.
Preserved in Thailand
When Buddhism began to spread to other part of Asia, medical institution and practices of the monastery went along as integral parts of the religious system. When Buddhism reached Thailand in the 3rd or 2nd century BC, temples were built with adjacent dispensaries and medical schools.
Massage and other healing arts were taught and applied in the monasteries and within the family. In families it has been mainly an oral tradition (as most people could not read) handed down from teacher to student. The purpose of writing it down as done by the Sangha, was to preserve the medical tradition for the longest possible time and make it available to the maximum number of people of future generations.

It is easily understandable that compassionate monks and nuns would integrate any beneficial medical system to the one brought from India. It is also easy to understand that influence from China and other surrounding countries may have played a significant role in enriching the existing medical system. When one is sick or unwell no helpful method should be disregarded. If it truly help, it is good. As to where and when Ancient Massage originated precisely, it is difficult to ascertain for sure. A long time has past and many historical evidences have disappeared, for example at the time of the British rule in India and also at the time of the Burmese invasion of the capital of Ayutthaya in 1767.
Only fragments of the existing precious medical texts survived the Burmese invasion and destruction, which the kind King Rama III in 1832 used as a basis for the famous epigraphs at Phra Chetuphon (Wat Pho) in Bangkok.
Ancient Massage, like most Asian methods, is a technique used to give mankind an experience of the total body. It is similar to acupressure and Shiatsu combined with stretches and yogic Asanas. Its nickname has become, “yoga for the lazy”. Ancient Massage will strengthen the client physically and harmonize their energy so a new life experience can arise.
Ancient Massage works on the major meridians, also called energy lines or Nadis, which run throughout the human body. It aims to harmonize the body, to loosen blocks, and to recoup deficiencies along the energy lines. In contrast to traditional Chinese medicine, which uses acupuncture to manipulate the pressure points, Ancient Massage stimulates these same points with healing touch. Therefore, the points suffer less stress, and life energy, or Prana, is allowed to freely circulate.
Along with influencing the energetic side, Ancient Massage also works on the physical body. Starting at the feet and progressing up to the head, the client’s body will be moved, loosened and stretched. Ancient Massage combines techniques usually found isolated in the western physiotherapies including Trigger Point Treatments, Myofascial Techniques, Manual Therapy and others. The combination of energetic and physical aspects is unique to Ancient Massage, and so are its effects. Ancient Massage is a gift for the body, speech (energy) and mind (heart).

Ancient Massage is a way to prevent sickness. It helps to dissolve blocks before they manifest psychologically or physically, and it also improves flexibility. Injured athletes, as well as those suffering from handicaps or stress are another target group. Essentially, anyone will benefit from this powerful technique.
Concerning the treatment, Ancient Massage is a floor massage. The fully dressed client lies on a pad or light mattress. An ingenious system of movements allows the therapist to manipulate the client without much effort. Every movement is designed to support the client as well as the therapist. The massage is given in silence to allow the therapist to understand the client and to give the client a chance to focus and learn about himself without distraction. To give and to experience Ancient Massage is a meditative practice. At the end of a two to three hour treatment, both the receiver and the therapist will feel relaxed and energized.
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