The Middle East tourists are one of the highest spending travellers in the world – spending as much as as US$500 more than the average European traveller. This has made the Middle East countries one of the most lucrative outbound tourist markets in today’s fast growing international tourism industry. According to recent research, Middle East, travel and tourism activity is expected to grow by 4.4% per annum creating numerous business opportunities. Many countries are now gearing up to tap into this growing market by promoting their interests in the Middle East region.
It is estimated that till 2025 outbound tourism trips from the Middle East will grow by an average annual rate of 5.5%, increasing from 27.6 million in 2001 to over 75 million by 2025. Airlines in the Arabian Gulf are planning to double the size of their flee to meet the rising demand in the coming years – specially in view of anticipated the post-COVID rise in international travel. As a result, the rate of growth of intra-regional travel is also expected to grow at a substantial pace as investment in tourism projects in Middle Eastern countries continues to rise.
The Holiday Guide magazine provides you with the chance to capitalize on these business opportunities by promoting your interests in the Middle East countries.

The Holiday Guide magazine is an established publication with over 15 years of experience in the field. Our editorial and marketing teams are able to provide excellent support and advice to ensure that you get the most out of your promotional campaign. The success enjoyed by the Holiday Guide magazine is amply proven by the excellent testimonials provided by our distinguished patrons.
Our editors are are seasoned travellers, passionate about travel and are regularly interviewed on TV, radio and in the press about travel trends, destinations and travel ideas.
The Middle East Tourist Market
Figures released by the World Tourism Organisation confirm that the Middle East’s inbound tourism sector will grow at an annual average of 7% every year until 2025, far outpacing every other region in the world and reaching the 65 million mark.
The Middle East region’s fast growing airline sector, with many new entrants and the increased frequency of flights and addition of new exciting destinations in the portfolios of the region’s established carriers, is also playing a key role in the rapid development of outbound traffic from the region.

Arab tourists from the Gulf states alone spend about US$12 billion on overseas vacations – making them one of the highest spenders in the world.
According to recent reports, the average length of stay in a country by a Middle Eastern traveller is three weeks – also one of the longest by world standards.
The Holiday Guide magazine has played a key role in guiding Arab tourists to new destinations. Our special magazines provide a Middle East perspective to new destinations and are published in both English and Arabic. In addition to providing useful information about the destination, we also cover key sectors like health tourism, manufacturing, business as well as an overview of the hotel industry.
The Holiday Guide Magazine also manages a travel portal with highly informative, upbeat and inspirational articles for tourists from the Middle East who love to travel.
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Guest Post inquiries: Nasir Abdur Rahman
Travel Writer: Amby Hasan
Contributing Video Editor: Morten Rustad
Editor: N. Hasan
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